Acid Reflux Disease - Simply Entertainment Reports and Trending Stories


Monday, January 3, 2022

Acid Reflux Disease

Acid reflux disease is a commonly misunderstood condition, so I’ll start by explaining a couple of things.

Food in the Stomach is acted on by Stomach acid. When this stomach acid travels from the Stomach upwards into the Oesophagus, this is known as Acid reflux. The peppery sensation that acid reflux causes is called Heartburn.

If the symptoms of acid reflux happen more than twice a week, then it might be as a result of a condition called Acid reflux disease (also called Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease or GERD for short).

Why do some people have Acid reflux disease? Let me explain :

There’s a valve at the entrance of the Stomach called Lower Oesophageal sphincter (LES).

Normally, this valve should close after food enters the stomach & prevent anything from going from the Stomach back up to the Oesophagus.

Now, if this valve doesn’t work properly, then stomach acid will be able to leave the stomach & cause Heartburn.

The following can either cause or increase the risk of Acid reflux disease (GERD) :

Hiatal hernia : Basically, this is a stomach abnormality where part of the stomach moves up into the chest.
Eating large meals often
Lying down too soon after large meals
Certain foods (Coffee, Tomatoes, Garlic, Onions, Spicy or Fatty foods)
Being Overweight
Stress & Anxiety
Some medication like Aspirin
The common symptoms of this condition are :

Heartburn : We all have experienced this one, a burning/peppery sensation in the chest
A sour taste in the mouth ( that’s the stomach acid, by the way)
Bloating/ Belching
Feeling like there’s something stuck in the throat (Dysphagia)
Hoarse voice
Bad breath 
Acid reflux disease is often misdiagnosed.

Conditions that resemble Acid reflux disease include Achalasia, Stomach ulcer & Gastritis.

Because of this, instead of just taking Antacids and saying that you have Acid reflux disease, first see a Doctor to examine you and run necessary tests to confirm your diagnosis.

For many people, the reason why they aren’t getting any better is because they are treating the wrong condition.

In many cases, acid reflux disease can be properly treated by combining Medication ( like Antacids, PPIs, Pro-kinetics etc) with lifestyle changes.

Here are some lifestyle changes you can make :

Eat smaller meals more frequently all through the day, rather than eating 2 or 3 large meals
Eat about 3 hours before lying down
Raise the head of your bed by 4-6 inches
Don’t wear tight clothing. If you have acid reflux disease, just throw your Waist trainer away.
Quit smoking 
Loss weight if overweight 
With these lifestyle changes & medication, many cases of Acid reflux disease can be properly treated.

That said, for those who have severe cases and it is starting to affect their lives negatively, there are surgical procedures that can be done to stop the acid reflux.

Acid reflux disease can cause complications if not treated properly, so please see your Doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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