Here are five signs your woman is cheating on you - Simply Entertainment Reports and Trending Stories


Monday, February 21, 2022

Here are five signs your woman is cheating on you

Women are not as innocent as society thinks.

Women engage in extra-marital affairs and cheat on their partners. It could be with ex-lovers, co-workers or even other women.

She probably tells you about men disturbing her for sex but that means nothing because there are some men she isn’t telling you about - the one she is considering.

Maybe she says there is nothing between her and a man you are worried about and she ridicules him to you but that is just a front.

Here are the tell-tale signs your woman has another man on the side.

1. Gaps in time and unexplained absence
You don’t know where she is and what she is doing. She is constantly sleeping off, her phone is always dying or you cannot simply reach her.

You know she is constantly on her phone, but she doesn’t reply your messages for a long time, then you get a message in the middle of the night and she is being extra sweet.

Bro, she is cheating.

2. She keeps talking about her friend cheating
Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. If she always has a story about how her friend is cheating on her boyfriend or husband, sometimes she is the friend.

3. She hides her phone from you or acts jumpy
If she always keeps her phone away from you or whenever you hold it, she doesn’t seem comfortable, she is probably scared you will read a message.

It would be worse if she suddenly changed her password, but perhaps the worst thing would be her going out to have private calls and whispering constantly.

Even though some people do not advocate going through your partner's phone, I think it is necessary sometimes to find out who they are.

4. You have a feeling she is cheating
Insecurities from past relationships aside, if your intuition is telling you she isn’t faithful to you, only time and a little research will reveal that you are right.

5. She tells you half stories, gives half alibi about her location and doesn't pick your call
She may lay down the cheating groundwork in a very subtle way. She tells you she is going out to the mall or market with friends but she doesn’t tell you the friend and it is probably not the mall or the market.

Your woman might tell you she is spending the weekend with friends, but once again you cannot tell which friends or you cannot call her or do a video call when she is there.

Or she says she is travelling to Abuja for a job interview and will stay with her uncle, but it is another man she is going to see and once more phone and video calls will be sparse

Finding out your woman is cheating is never easy, but the truth will set you free, perhaps after almost driving you crazy.

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